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closeWelcome to UsenetArchives.com - NFT Sale
The following URLs are currently listed for sale as NFTs:
Linus Torvalds (Creator of Linux) - First thread posted to Internet/Usenet (1991)

Linus Torvalds, widely known as the creator of Linux, made his first post to Usenet (the early equivalent of Internet forums) in January of 1991. Then only 21 years old Linus reports purchasing a new 'fine' computer (386,33 MHz), which was likely the same computer that he used for coding the initial version of the Linux kernel, announced only 3 months after this post.
Where to Buy
This NFT is currently listed for sale at: OpenSea.
Our Commitment
After the purchase, you'll get an option to customize the webpage of the archived post with a link to your website and short text (up to 128 characters). You'll be also listed as a patron of UsenetArchives.com. I am willing to support this option to all future buyers, in case you decide to resell this NFT later.
Own & Support
Thank you for considering the purchase of this item. By purchasing this NFT, you'll be in a very tangible way supporting the future development of UsenetArchives.com, as well as subsidizing efforts of many enthusiasts trying to keep the early history of the Internet around for future generations.
Archive URL
The document is stored in the UsenetArchives.com archive at the following URL: https://usenetarchives.com/view.php?id=Linus_Torvalds_First_Thread